KsGetAllocatorStatus Retrieves the status of an allocator. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. KsGetFilterName Returns the name of a filter. KsGetPinName Returns the name of a pin. KsGetProperties Returns the properties for an allocator. KsHandleSizedListQuery The KsHandleSizedListQuery function, depending on the length of the system buffer, returns either the size of the buffer needed, number of entries in the specified data list, or copies the entries themselves.
KsIncrementCountedWorker Increments the current worker count, and optionally queues the counted work item with the worker previously created by KsRegisterCountedWorker. KsLoadResource Copies loads a resource from the given image. KsMethod The KsMethod method sends a method to a KS object, along with any other defined support operations available on a method set. If the method will be processed asynchronously using KsDispatchSpecificMethod, this storage must be maintained intact.
It works with all method identifiers defined by the sets. KsMethodHandlerWithAllocator The KsMethodHandlerWithAllocator functions performs the same handling as KsMethodHandler, with the same restrictions, but allows an optional allocator callback to be used to provide a buffer for the parameters.
KsNotifyError The KsNotifyError method notifies the filter graph of an error to give the filter graph an opportunity to halt.
KsNotifyEvent The KsNotifyEvent method requests that the KS object that owns the given DirectShow event notify the calling application with the given parameters whenever action related to the event occurs.
KsNullDriverUnload The KsNullDriverUnload function is a default function a driver can use when it has no other tasks to do in its unload function, but must still allow the device to be unloaded by its presence. It attempts to initiate processing on Pin by sending a processing dispatch call to Pin's processing object.
KsPinGetAvailableByteCount The KsPinGetAvailableByteCount routine outputs the number of bytes of input data ahead of the leading edge and the number of bytes of output buffer ahead of the leading edge, both for the queue of a caller-specified pin.
Works only for source pins. This interface pointer will be an IKsReferenceClock interface. KsProperty The IKsControl::KsProperty method sets a property or retrieves property information, together with any other defined support operations available on a property set. KsProperty The KsProperty method sets a property or retrieves property information, along with any other defined support operations available on a property set. KsPropertyHandlerWithAllocator The KsPropertyHandlerWithAllocator performs the same handling as KsPropertyHandler, with the same restrictions, but allows an optional allocator callback to be used to provide a buffer for the parameters.
The function attempts to use FastIoDispatch if possible, or it generates an information request against the device object. Access cannot be changed by duplicating handles. KsRecalculateStackDepth The KsRecalculateStackDepth function recalculates the maximum stack depth required by the underlying device object based on all of the objects that have set a target device they have added themselves to the object list on the underlying device object using the KsSetTargetDeviceObject function.
If the PnP device object has been set on the underlying device header using KsSetDevicePnpAndBaseObject, that device is also taken into account when calculating the maximum stack depth. KsRegisterCountedWorker Handles clients registering for use of a thread. KsResolveRequiredAttributes The KsResolveRequiredAttributes function searches the attributes list that is attached to a data range for specified attributes and ensures that all specified attributes were found. KsSetAllocatorHandle Sets the handle for an allocator.
KsSetAllocatorMode Sets the mode in which an allocator allocates memory. The function attempts to use FastIoDispatch if possible, or it generates an information set against the device object. KsSetPin The KsSetPin method informs the streaming interface handler about the pin with which to communicate when passing data.
KsSetProperties Sets the properties for an allocator. The function adds the object header to a list of object headers that have target devices. KsSetTargetState Sets the enabled state of a target device associated with the specified object header. The function attempts to use FastIoDispatch if possible, or it generates a read or write request against the device object. KsStreamPointerDelete The KsStreamPointerDelete function deletes a clone stream pointer, releasing a reference on the frame to which this stream pointer referred.
KsUnserializeObjectPropertiesFromRegistry The KsUnserializeObjectPropertiesFromRegistry function, when given a destination object and a registry path, enumerates the named values and applies them as serialized data to the specified property sets listed in the serialized data.
KsValidateConnectRequest The KsValidateConnectRequest function validates a connection request and returns a pointer to the connection structure associated with the request.
This routine is optional. KStrClockGetCorrelatedPhysicalTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves both the current system time minus suspended delta and the corresponding clock tick since boot. KStrClockGetTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves the current system time.
KStrClockGetPhysicalTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves the current system time minus any suspended delta. This allows the clock owner to completely determine the current time. Use it to load drivers at start time, for example. Such events then will occur in the context of a worker thread after PnP start.
It is used to perform Filter-Centric Processing. KStrItemFreeCallback allows the minidriver to perform any cleanup, including flushing security descriptor changes, if necessary. Use this routine to perform Pin-Centric Processing. This routine is also called when the queue associated with the given pin is flushed. QuerySupported The QuerySupported method determines whether a KS object supports a property set and the type of that support.
StreamClassDeviceNotification Minidrivers use the StreamClassDeviceNotification routine to notify the class driver that it has completed a stream request, or that an event has occurred. Do not use. StreamClassQueryMasterClock When the minidriver calls the StreamClassQueryMasterClock routine, the class driver queries the appropriate time value of the master clock asynchronously, and passes the result to the routine passed in the ClockCallbackRoutine parameter.
The name StreamClassRegisterAdapter is supported for backward compatibility only. The name StreamClassRegisterMinidriver more accurately indicates that the routine registers a stream class minidriver. Once registered, a minidriver can drive any number of adapter instances in a system. The StreamClassRegisterMinidriver routine registers a stream minidriver with the stream class driver.
StreamClassScheduleTimer The minidriver calls the StreamClassScheduleTimer routine to schedule a timer, and to specify a routine that is called when the timer expires. Are you still experiencing an error preventing the driver update? Look here for why and a solution. Any graphics issues found using Intel generic graphics drivers should be reported directly to Intel.
Corporate customers should always use OEM drivers and report all issues through the vendor they purchased the platforms and support through. Get a front row pass to gaming deals, contests, betas, and more with Intel Software Gaming Access. See the Release Notes for installation instructions, supported hardware, and more. Be sure to check out gameplay.
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