Apache Solr High Performance. This book is an easy-to-follow guide, full of hands-on, real-world examples. Each topic is explained and demonstrated in a specific and user-friendly flow, from search optimization using Solr to Deployment of Zookeeper applications. This book is ideal for Apache Solr developers and want to learn different techniques to optimize Solr. Applied OpenStack Design Patterns. Learn practical and applied OpenStack cloud design solutions to gain maximum control over your infrastructure.
You will achieve a complete controlled and customizable platform. Applied OpenStack Design Patterns teaches you how to map your application flow once you set up components and architectural design patterns. About the Book Mule in Action, Second Edition is a totally revised guide covering Mule 3 fundamentals and best practices.
You'll get a close look at Mule's standard components and how to roll out custom ones. Written for developers, architects, and IT managers, this book requires familiarity with Java but no previous exposure to Mule or other ESBs. What's Inside Full coverage of Mule 3 Integration with cloud services Common transports, routers, and transformers Security, routing, orchestration, and transactions About the Authors David Dossot is a software architect and has created numerous modules and transports for Mule.
The readers can also work with some commercially available license-based APIs. Furthermore, the book will explain most of the examples provided by RAML. This book will then help you develop your RESTful API specification for adding, retrieving, updating and deleting data for a business entity. Experienced technical persons of the IT industry also can utilize the book to get extra insights, and they can align their knowledge in line with it.
Start Project 2. Anypoint Studio Components 3. Flow Control Components 4. Idempotent, Parse Template and Scheduler 5. Payload Component 6. MUnit 7. MuleSoft Runtime 8. Global Secured Configurations 9. Error Handling Through step-by-step instructions and numerous real-world examples, this concise guide shows you how to seamlessly integrate the external services you need with Mule ESB and its powerful Cloud Connect toolset.
What is far more challenging is to put together a design that will stand the test of time, while also meeting your developers' needs. After all, no matter how well written your code may be, without a strong foundation, you will find your API quickly failing. You can therefore use Mule ESB to allow different applications to communicate with each other via a transit system to carry data between applications within your enterprise or across the Internet. This book solves numerous issues faced by developers working on Mule ESB in real time and provides use cases on how to integrate Mule with other technologies.
It also focuses on development and delivery using Mule ESB through integrating, migrating, and upgrading advanced technological tools. This book gives the reader a strong overview of the Mule framework using practical and easy-to-follow examples.
It has three sections: problems, approaches, and solutions. The key aim of this book is to show you how to allow different applications to communicate with each other by creating a transit system to carry data between applications within your enterprise or across the Internet. What you will learn from this book Learn to work with components and patterns and how to configure them Understand message sources, processors, and properties Learn what an endpoint is and how you can configure this endpoint in your workflow Understand transformers and how you can use them in your workflow Learn about different types of filters and how to use them Understand exception handling and unit testing with MuleESB Create web services and integrate them in your workflow Learn how to create a flow and how to use routers and services Learn how you can use a cloud connector in the flow Understand how to use processors in your workflow Approach With this book you will learn in a step-by-step manner and build solutions from the ground up using Mule ESB.
Each tak is well illustrated through recipes and the code contained in the examples is very engaging.