FileResponse is recommended, as you can see from the source that FileResponse is a subclass of StreamingHttpResponse and uses iterators internally for data streaming.
Programmer Group A programming skills sharing group. Writing in models. The files uploaded in the future will be generated directly into the img folder in the medias folder in the configuration file. I'm trying to enable the downloading of previously uploaded files in Django, here's the code I'm using so far:.
The inspiration for this trial comes from this thread but I don't get it working. An empty txt file is downloaded instead of the image that is stored on the server. In this trial code the exact filename and extension is hard coded in the path variable.
Here is a way you can serve a file through Django although it is usually not a good approach, the better one is to serve files with a webserver like nginx etc - for performance reasons :. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. If you go to the media folder, you will see a pdfs folder and in it the pdf that you submitted.
Then load the admin site in the browser and go to EBooksModel and select the element we just submitted. Now here, if you observe, in the pdf field. You will see a Currently: option.
Django saves only the instance of the file and not the file itself. Hence even if you delete the model from the admin site, the pdf file will still be there in the media folder. In the above webpage, the instance appears as a link.
But if you click on it, you will get an error message. If the user clicks on the download link, the CF. If this file exists in the base location of the app, then the following dialog box will appear. The user can open the file in the browser or the document viewer before the download or download the file directly without opening it by selecting the Save File option and pressing the OK button.
Adding a download option for text and PDF files in the Django application was shown in this tutorial using a simple script.
The new Django users will get an idea to add a download option without and with a download link in the Django app after reading this tutorial.
I am a trainer of web programming courses. How to Create Superuser in Django. How to Disable Django Error Emails. What is NoReverseMatch Error and how to fix it. How to Uninstall Django in Ubuntu. How to Check if File Exists in Python.