Weather data depot - free downloading of degree days

If you can get results for somewhere close you can click the "map" link and then focus in on the stations around the location you really want. If you are struggling to find good stations in remote locations, or in regions with poor weather-station coverage like parts of Africa, for example , you could search for larger cities further afield until you find something acceptable.

You can also search for four-letter ICAO airport codes. Most airports have a weather station, and many have high-quality weather data going back a long time. Any files of data that you have downloaded previously will contain the ID of the weather station you used. You can use that ID again each time you want fresh data.

Though if your weather station stops working which does unfortunately happen occasionally, especially with lower-quality stations , you will have to find an alternative. If you are really stuck, feel free to email us to see if there is anything we can do to help. We are not magicians unfortunately!

Degree days have traditionally come in a limited range of base temperatures such as But it's rare for real-world buildings to align accurately with any of these pre-prescribed base temperatures, and degree days with an inappropriate base temperature are a significant cause of inaccuracy in calculations relating to weather-dependent energy usage. Our article on the problems with common approaches to degree-day analysis explains this issue in more detail.

If you check the box to " Include base temperatures nearby ", Degree Days. For most analysis, it's important to use degree days with a base temperature that makes sense for the building you are investigating.

And buildings vary a lot. The following two resources should help you choose appropriately:. Used together, these two resources should help you choose base temperatures that fit your data and make logical sense for your building. Your subsequent analysis should be considerably more accurate as a result.

Gas and electricity bills often don't line up neatly with calendar weeks or months. And it's rare for records of oil, LPG, or wood-burner consumption to fit the calendar.

But irregular dates are not a problem: you can specify your dates as a custom breakdown and Degree Days. Just choose "Custom" as the breakdown and follow the instructions from there. Alternatively you can get daily degree days and sum them together to get totals for each period of consumption that you have records for. This is a perfectly valid thing to do and will give you the same figures albeit with a little more spreadsheet work. As an energy professional you don't need us to explain what degree days are or their importance in analysis of HVAC energy consumption.

However, unless you are already very experienced with degree days, we are confident that you will find some value in our articles on degree days and how best to use them. These include the articles mentioned above, but they also cover regression analysis which is core to most effective degree-day analysis , how to calculate energy savings after making changes to reduce consumption e. We would welcome your feedback on anything important that is missing or anything we could improve upon.

The data is our main focus, but we do try to provide good guidance as well! If you could benefit from additional data, data for lots of locations, or automated access to data in large or small quantities , please take a look at our overview of Degree Days. Degree days are key to reliably accounting for the weather in analysis of building energy consumption. However, it is easy for beginners to use them inappropriately, in ways that can lead to erroneous and misleading figures.

And, without experience, it can be hard to turn degree-day analysis into actionable tasks that reduce consumption. There are often simpler ways for beginners to get started saving energy like, for example, using a Kill-A-Watt meter to find electrical waste, and a cheap infrared laser thermometer to find thermal leaks. For these reasons, Degree Days. However, if you are a degree-days beginner who isn't afraid to delve further into this useful form of energy data analysis, please read on:.

Degree days are essentially a simplified representation of outside-air-temperature data. They are widely used for calculations relating to the effect of outside air temperature on building energy consumption. They are used for calculations relating to the energy consumption required to heat buildings.

They are used for calculations relating to the energy consumption required to cool buildings. Degree days also have applications relating to plant growth " growing degree days ".

However, our focus is on making software for energy saving, so our expertise are in the energy-saving applications of heating and cooling degree days. We suggest you start with our introduction to degree days — it's a nice, easy-going explanation of degree days and what they're used for. Following that we suggest you work through our recommended articles on degree days and how to use them effectively. These are aimed more at energy-saving professionals than beginners, so you might find them a little heavy going, but they do try to explain the basics as they go along.

If you can set aside the time to work through them slowly, they should give you a lot of useful practical information on how to use degree days in your energy data analysis. If you're enthusiastic about energy in general, you might also be interested in the information we've compiled about energy-related degree programs and courses.

It's something of a work in progress, but we already have a lot of interesting-looking academic courses listed. You can test data access. An official website of the United States government bltadwin.

Federal government websites always use bltadwin. Before sh. The weather dictates how we plan for our days, from what we wear to what activities we can plan for. If you spend a lot of time on your Mac, a good weather app can keep you up to date on today's weather and tomorrow's forecast. But which Ma. Mac Only: Have you ever wanted a car alarm for your Powerbook? Now you can have one. Public Pastes.

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